
Escrow Information

Peninsula Escrow

Helpful Escrow Information

What is Escrow?

Escrow is an agreement concerning an obligation between two or more parties, that gives a third party instructions that concern property put in his control upon the happening of a certain condition. In commercial usage, this condition is most frequently the performance of an act, such as payment of the purchase price, by the party who is to receive the property.


What is Title Insurance?

According to the California Department of Insurance, title insurance is:


“Title insurance is a contractual obligation that protects against losses that occur when title to a property is not free and clear of defects (e.g. liens, encumbrances and defects that were unknown when the title policy was issued). Title insurance also guarantees loan priority. The terms of the policy define what risks are covered and what risks are excluded from coverage. The title insurer will reimburse you or your lender for losses that are covered, up to the face amount of the policy, and any related legal expenses. This protection is effective as of the issue date of the policy and covers defects arising prior to your ownership. Title companies issue policies on all types of real and personal property. Two types of title insurance policies for real property are the most common – a lender’s policy and an owner’s policy.”


How Does This Affect Escrow?

Escrow is affected by title insurance in that it protects both the lender and buyer from mistakes in examining records, errors, or omissions in the deed, undisclosed parties, and forgery. There are two main types of title insurance that either protect the lender or the buyer. Each has different terms but will both cover each entity’s interests in full should there later be any disputes or errors in the title of the property. This coverage for the entire term will cover the lender for the life of the loan and will decrease over time as the loan is paid off. The buyer will be covered for however long they or their heirs have an interest in the property. This provides peace of mind for both the lender and buyer through the escrow process and beyond.

Escrow Services

Important Information on Escrow

Our experienced escrow officers are happy to discuss your escrow options at any time. For more information about our services, or to learn how escrow can affect you, contact one of our offices today. Our main objective has always been to maintain a quality company with quality employees working with the most advanced technology to provide customers with the best possible personalized service. This is why we make ample information about the Escrow office available to you! Please take a look at the documents below to learn more:

What is an Escrow and Why Is It Needed?
What A Licensed Escrow Company Can Do For You
The Escrow Process
Ways to Hold Title
Powers of Attorney for Real Estate Transactions
What are Escrow Services
What's in a Name?
Why Choose Peninsula Escrow
Why Lenders Require Title Insurance
Understanding Preliminary Reports

Contact Us


The Escrow Professionals at Peninsula Escrow are ready to assist you and a great place to start is your local branch. Check the about us page and find the escrow officer, at a location you want to work with, and reach out today.

Contact Us
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John Zimmer Broker/Realtor/Lender

Service, service, service…..Solutions, solutions, solutions. I’ve worked with Peninsula Escrow for decades. He is always willing to go the extra yard and burn the late night candle when needed to get things DONE. Excellent escrow company with vast knowledge and great service.

Ethan H.

Thanks for everything Peninsula Escrow. You did an amazing job and made the whole process so much easier for me. I really appreciate it.

Gloria Y.

You are one of the best Escrow Offices I have ever dealt with …. Thank you.

Grant Nakaoka Nakaoka Real Estate

I truly appreciate your efforts and time in closing this escrow. Your service was excellent!

Pastor A.

Dear Peninsula Escrow, I wanted to write this note to thank you for helping our Church secure the loan transaction. Your professional efforts, patience, and diligence is very much appreciated.

Becky Poe-Anderson RE/MAX Estate Properties

Peninsula Escrow, you always get my business and the best and hardest working escrow officers out there.

Craig Marson First Team Real Estate

Thanks again for your fantastic work on this file, it was very enjoyable working with you. And I could actually get you on the phone when needed, this is unusual in the current market.

Cheryl S.

Not sure we ever thanked you for your awesome work on this escrow for —. Thank you very much.

Maureen S

As you know within the past 12 months I have sold 2 properties and used you (Peninsula Escrow for both and was so blessed with how easily and smoothly both contracts flowed. I actually forgot that my last property had a glitch, which your team was most helpful in getting things properly communicated in a timely manner so as to keep the closing on track. You and your staff were so kind and thoughtful that I forgot about that problem (which if not corrected could have voided the sale). As we have discussed, pending the market conditions, I’ll hopefully be calling you to handle one more California property for me within the year.